BOOKMAN: Perched over a small laptop, Pat/Bullywith logs into an online community called SDF. It's sort of like Facebook, Gmail and a gaming site all rolled into one, but there aren't videos or pictures or even ads on the screen.
DEMOS is a Unix-like operating system developed in the Soviet Union between 1982 and 1991 and ported to various Soviet-built mini- to mainframe computers, several of which were clones of US manufacturer DEC's hardware.
You can experience this star of Soviet technology in the form of a software emulator running on the CORAZZINI system operated by the Museo dell'Informatica Funzionante (MusIF).
"Working Knowledge of UNIX, VMS, OS/400, VM/CMS, and MVS."
Wouldn't that look great on your resume?
One book can put it there: The Operating Systems Handbook. (I wanted to call it "Fake Your Way Through Minis and Mainframes," but McGraw-Hill wanted something that sounded more respectable.)
As the early adopters among us massage their new iPads this weekend, they might want to hearken back to when a computer was a room, and the only thing you touched was a punch-card. Here are our favorite stories from the computer’s early days:
for your enlightenment here's a kinda scary list, a selection of the CS/IT Things which are currently run by or were Invented (not just worked on, but created) by women